New Living – Old Housing

Zukunft Stadt” Discussion

20.03.2024, 18:00
Planungswerkstatt, Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 9, 1010 Wien

Bernadette Krejs andJohannes Suitner in conversation wirh
Isabel Glogar (Urban Design, TU München)
Peter Fattinger (Design Build / Wohnbau, TU Wien)
Bernadette Luger (Stabstelle Ressourcenschonung und Nachhaltigkeit im Bauwesen, Stadt Wien)
Lisa Schmidt-Colinet (Baugruppe Living for Future)

How can the built city and in particular housing be transformed, in order to tackle the recent polycrisis and changing societal demands? How are circularit, and self-help part of change? What role have inhabitants and civil society in transformations? These and more questions will be discussed on the 20th of March 2024 starting at 6 pm at the Wiener Planungswerkstatt.

The talk is part of the series ZUKUNFT STADT with a focus on„Transformation des Bestands“ (more infos here). It is part of the departments focus on „Transformation des Bestands“ and gathers insights from Experts from planning, praxis, research and governance. Main themes center urban design, urban development, architecture and spatial planning.

The Event will be recorded as Podcast in the serie „ZUKUNFT STADT“ as part of the focus on „Transformation of the Existing Building Stock“ organized by the department of Architektur und Raumplanung at TU Wien, a cooperation between theifoer (Örtliche Raumplanung) and the future.lab at TU Wien. 

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